Permanent Inviting Competition!

I decided to make a permanent comp! ^_^ It will last forever!! As the title says, its an inviting comp! ^^I know inviting people to blogs is really hard, but We need followers the more the better, and the earlier we start the W.O.W looks comp the better :DD

Well you have to invite people to follow this blog, and the person that you invited has to post their stardoll username here and say who they were invited by, I will visit them and see if its true, and they're not just a fake account!

If you invite 5 people you get a gift worth 10sd

If you invite 10 people you get a gift worth 15sd

If you invite 15 people you get a gift worth 20sd

If you invite 20 people you get a gift worth 30sd

If you invite 25 people you get a gift worth 40sd

If you invite 30 people you get a gift worth 50sd

If you invite 35 people you get a gift worth 55sd

If you invite 40 people you get a gift worth 60sd

If you invite 45 people you get a gift worth 70sd

If you invite 50 people you get a gift worth 75sd

I can't go further because, I can't get that much stardollars.

Oh and the member you invite must be at least level 17 on stardoll! ^^

Good Luck :)

These gifts are Interiors! :3 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll try :D