Preventing Hackers on Stardoll!

Blogging isn't all about fun! Its also about warning people and precaution. Today, I will be waring you guys, about HACKERS, LINKS....

To keep your account safe on stardoll you must prevent these-

If anyone asks you for a makeover, and they want your password! Automatically report them!
If anyone says you shold give them your password for free stardollars, Just report them inmediately!
Don't give your password to anyone, even your closest friend on stardoll...
Don't give anyone your e-mail, and don't change your e-mail to a fake one!!
If you see a link that you don't think is trustworthy don't click on it, Missmandragora and ILOVEHELLY got hacked like that.

There are many more stuff, that I can't seem to remember, Just keep your account safe!

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