How to rock your suite!!!

Hi guys!!! Im back with another exclusive mobile entry!! Today I will be showing you how to get an amazing suite and the basic stuff a suite should have :P

Have you ever tried so hard to make a creative, original yet cool suite but no matter how hard you try you just can't get it right, here I will show you the basic stuff and fundamentals :)

Pick the colour of the suite

Whenever you want to start making your suite always start by thinking well where you want to locate your items.

Once you've done that you have to think straight and get the fundamentals in your suite: table, chair, sofa... Locate them where you planned as said in step 1

Now that you've got the fundamentals out of your way you need to picture where you want to locate the window ( the window is the decor that will show the beauty of the room ) place it where you want it to go and decorate around it : curtains...

Decide what extras you want in the room, and don't forget to be unique take a picture of your finished suite and admire your creativity!!"

Hope this helped all of those with "suite problems"

Adannainheaven <3

Im back!!!

Hi guys im back!!! Im sorry if youre disapointed in me or whatever girlyydiva hasnt been active and ive got school + there was absolutely no internet in my house so for now till i get my tablet i will be posting small tips and stuff because im actually using my mobile with the app anyways ive got some amazing news were getting a new writer!!!! I was totally amazed when she told me but she will start writting when i get my access to the internet back if you guys want you can also congratulate me on reaching my 100th subscriber goal!!!! Im gonna stop now theres not much you can say with a mobile
