Be the best version of yourself this School Year! (School Life Hacks Part 1 )

Hi guys to today I will come to you guys with a real life post, because I was feeling it, you know xP

So this post is going to be about being the best version of yourself this school year!

I will give tips on how to balance time and still look good!

1- Time organization(Plan your day)

Make a timetable writing down everything you will do in that week, and use your phone's planner!

You don't have to follow the timetable religiously, you just use it as a guide to know what you'll do for the day and have your day planned out!

2-Bags under your eyes

You are very likely to have bags under your eyes on school days, because you probably don't get enough sleep so when you are going to bed put a metal spoon in your refrigerator overnight and when you wake up put in on your eyes for some minutes or put ice cubes :)

3- Do exercise

Studies have shown that working out helps your brain out alot so.. what are you waiting for, turn the music up and start dancing!

4-Join a club

No one wants to be that wierd kid with no friends so this year join a club, a sport or anything that your school has, your social life will be more active and you'll make lots of new friends!

5-Alarm setting

Set your alarm 10-15 mins before your noraml waking up time, I think this one is pretty obvious, but trust me it works, I've been to school late 1x or 2x since I started doing this :)

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